Friday, June 1, 2012

Pink Dolphins!

Heading out to try and see the pink dolphins.  Once we got out of the harbor, Hunter was sure we
 were going to sink and kept saying we're sinking, we're sinking!  Once he got a life jacket on
he felt safer.
That got Keegan going and he would then say "but dad l can't swim!.  Are we sinking?"

The white building on the hill was the old police station that has been renovated into a hotel and is
very pretty with a great view.
The rock that is sticking out from the hill is supposed to represent a soldier but you can't really see
it from the angle of the photo.
Guide only spoke Chinese!
I see one!!  I didn't, but Jill was good a spotting them.
I wished they had been jumping but most of the time it was only the fin and hump we saw sticking up
out of the water.
They are really bubblegum pink!!  Amazing!  I've heard different versions of why they are pink, from being albinos, to what age they are to chemicals in the water!  
This is what Wikipedia says about them and why they are pink. We almost got all of him in this pic!
The Chinese white dolphin (Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin, Sousa chinensis chinensisChinese中華白海豚pinyinZhōnghuá bái hǎitún) is a humpback dolphin species, one of 80 cetaceanspecies. An adult is white or pink and may appear as an albino dolphin to some. Uniquely, the population along the Chinese coast has pink skin,[2] and the pink color originates not from a pigment, but from blood vessels which were overdeveloped for thermoregulation.

This picture l took off the net so you'd get a better view of them.  Apparently they are black when born, and turn grey, then pink and finally white as an adult, which takes about 10 years to maturity.
 Because of pollution and the fishing boats, the population of these neat creatures are dwindling down.
Fishing trawlers docked inside the harbor.
Coming into the harbor of Tai O.  The actual village is further along.
A few docks on stilts.

Back to the dock.  We were very fortunate to actually see the dolphins, because even with the big
tours which are run by Hong Kong Dolphin Watch organization, you don't always see them. It was on my
list of things l really wanted to do before we left so l was thrilled we saw them!!

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